honesty is something that most people have trouble with. it's because honesty is usually something cruel, or blunt that isn't socially acceptable in most situations. how often do you tell the lady at the gas station counter that she has b.o. compared to when you just hold your breath and skedaddle as quickly as possible?
it's the reaction that scares us. it's why we hide things, hold them inside.
but we don't know the lady at the counter.
we do know our friends.
so why aren't we honest with them? if they are really our friends, shouldn't they accept the honest truth, no matter how damaging it might be? yet, we often don't hold that confidence in our relationships. because for some reason once we are honest, ties get severed and things get awkward. so for 99.9% of our friendships we simply act like we 'should'
I just I feel like honesty shouldn't be such a taboo thing.
And I don't want to be punished for it.